The five video game industry books you should read

Sometimes it’s nice to put down the controller, make a steaming mug of cocoa and pick up a good book. If you are loath to leave the world of video games altogether, here are five incredible books about the gaming industry you should definitely read.

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The Flame in the Flood | Review

There comes a moment in The Flame in the Flood when you recognise the game-within-a-game. Suddenly the decisions required to help protagonist Scout survive take on new levels of importance. This tale of adventure and survival from new outfit The Molasses Flood hides the harshness of the wild and knife-edge decision making behind a veneer of beautiful visuals and a soundtrack of rare quality.

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Our favourite gaming apps

The second screen experience. It’s been tackled a lot of different ways – extra missions through SmartGlass in Dead Rising 3, playing Mario Kart on the Wii U controller without even needing the TV on, or moving loot to and from the vault in Destiny using your smart phone. Here are some of our favourites (excluding the Xbox App, of course!)

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